Evangelist Reniece Stevenson's Biography

 Evangelist Reniece Stevenson
Is the wife of Elder Michael Stevenson, pastor of Faith Is The Victory Church in Memphis, TN, where she serves as co-pastor with him. She faithfully served as Minister of Music for the Greater Harvest Church of God in Christ, where her parents Dr. Lee and Missionary Julia Ward are the pastor and leading lady of that congregation, for many years. In 2000 the Lord called Evangelist Stevenson to minister in more ways than just music. With a “Yes Lord” in her spirit, she began to walk in areas of evangelism and leadership. In 2007, Evangelist Stevenson clearly heard the call and felt the Holy Spirit leading her to broader areas of ministry. It was during that time Walking In Victory Women’s Ministry was birthed. The vision of Walking in Victory Women’s Ministry is to embrace triumphant living on a daily basis that will create life-long success and spiritual prosperity.
Evangelist Stevenson is currently working to obtain a master’s degree in Human Services with a concentration in Counseling Studies. She has a bachelor of science in Psychology with a minor in Biblical Studies. She is currently a Mental Health Specialist for the state of Mississippi and is a member of the American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC).
Above all, Evangelist Stevenson is saved, sanctified, and filled with the baptism of the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues. She has an extraordinary testimony of God’s deliverance in her personal life. It is the desire of Evangelist Stevenson that the people of God begin to walk in and live a life of VICTORY.
“But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ”
1 Corinthians 15:57

Check out Faith is the Victory's website: www.faithisthevictorychurch.blogspot.com